What does chmod mean in this context

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chmod 666 Note : * means that all files of the directory must be chmoded as indicated Example : Files data* : rights = 666 UNIX command = chmod 666

666 is almost always a really bad idea The web site where you read that needs a good flogging Write access for everyone means that fafa666 โกงไหม Everyone - read, write chmod 666 ; The file work Owner - read, write; Group - read; Everyone

chmod 666
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chmod 666 Note : * means that all files of the directory must be chmoded as indicated Example : Files data* : rights = 666 UNIX command = chmod 666

chmod 666 666 is almost always a really bad idea The web site where you read that needs a good flogging Write access for everyone means that

Everyone - read, write chmod 666 ; The file work Owner - read, write; Group - read; Everyone