WIMIUS P62 Home Video Projector

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p62 app

p62 app  It also specifically addresses the applications of exogenous p62 (DNA application of p62 plasmid in other inflammation-associated diseases Scheda Instrument Applications Instrument Citations Instrument Protocols Instrument Software Is p62 a good indicator of autophagic flux? The short answer: Yes

p62 is recruited to the ER at an early-stage autophagosome formation independently of most Atg proteins  P62 is a versatile protein involved in the delicate balance between cell death and survival, which is fundamental for cell fate decision

In the present study, we analyzed the interaction between p62, an adapter protein, and an APP-related molecule, and found that p62 interacted with the C- View largeDownload slide Identification of a p62 nucleolar localization signal A, The p62 sequence was submitted to NoD, a NoLS prediction program

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